Webinar on "Professional Email Etiquette"
The B.A. Department organised a Webinar on “Professional Email Etiquette” on 16th January, 2021 from 11:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In today’s digitalized world, the knowledge and practise of professional emails is essential. Emails that adhere to etiquette are more direct and convey the message quickly. The session began with Ms. Upasana Adwa, faculty of Arts Department welcoming the participants and introducing the resource person. The resourse person, Ms. Sarah Roy, the faculty of Arts Department conducted the webinar using the online platform Google Meet. After the session, Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra, Head of the Department of Arts invited the students for a brief session of questions form the participants. The event was attended by 76 participants. The event recieved a positive feedback from the participants. E-Certificate were awarded to the participants.