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Basic Training Kitchen(BTK)

The students build their foundations of culinary skills (Food Production) in the Basic Training Kitchen


Advanced Training Kitchen(ATK):

This is the Speciality Kitchen for the Third Year Students, focusing on enhancing their technical skills in international cuisines.


Quantity Training Kitchen(QTK):

This training kitchen prepares the Second Year Students for catering to a large number of people. The students get familiar with the concepts of bulk cooking mainly Indian along with a few International Cuisines as well.



Students learn the art of patisserie here. This enables students to develop fine skills in making confectionery.


Training Resturant and Bar:

The Training Restaurant is well equipped with glassware, tableware and other sophisticated equipment required for quality services.


Front Office Training Laboratory:

This area is specifically designed to replicate the lobby of a hostel. Students learn the systematic methods ofreservation, registration, telephones, assigning of rooms and coordinating with other departments.


Housekeeping Laboratory:

The Housekeeping Department consists of a Guest Room with well designed interiors, a mock housekeeping laboratory equipped with washing machines, other equipments and cleaning agents, which enables students to get the right feel of the department.

Aldel Education Trust (AET)
St. John College of Engineering and Management (SJCEM)
St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research (SJIPR)
St. John Junior College (SJJC)
St. John International School (SJIS)

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