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Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

The Department of B.sc IT and B.sc CS organized a seminar on “Block Chain Technology” for all the students of B.sc I.T and B.sc CS on Monday, 4 September 2023 in the Event Hall. Mr. Vivian Lobo provided valuable insights and knowledge about Block chain Technology. A Total of 190 Students participated in the seminar. Mr. Vivian Lobo shared knowledge about technologies that can be used by students to learn the importance of block chain. He also shared his experiences with working with each one of them. The guests concluded the lecture with their feedback

Aldel Education Trust (AET)
St. John College of Engineering and Management (SJCEM)
St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research (SJIPR)
St. John Junior College (SJJC)
St. John International School (SJIS)

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