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Study Visit To Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

The Department of Commerce organized a Study visit to Bombay Stock Exchange on 31st July 2018. Seventy students of Second Year BBI and B.Com with three Faculty members were part of the visit. Mr. Mabroon Chakraborty, Resource person, conducted a session for the students on “History and Working of Indian Stock Market” and “contribution of BSE in country’s economic growth”. The students got an opportunity to interact with Industry Professionals and learnt about stock dealing, Future and option dealings and short term courses offered by stock exchange post graduation. Later students visited to World Trade centre and returned with a lot of learnings. Overall it was a good practical experience for the students.

Aldel Education Trust (AET)
St. John College of Engineering and Management (SJCEM)
St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research (SJIPR)
St. John Junior College (SJJC)
St. John International School (SJIS)

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