A report on seminar on Exploring Raspberry Pie: The Micro Computer
A seminar on “Exploring Raspberry Pie: The Micro Computer” was organized by the department of B.Sc.(I.T) on Monday, 06th September, 2021. The total 35 students have participated from S.Y. B.Sc. (I.T.).
The seminar commenced with the introduction of Raspberry Pie and explained the objectives and importance of the seminar. The motive behind conducting this seminar was to introduce the basic idea about Raspberry Pie and using Raspberry Pie how students can able to create thousands of different projects and applications. The Raspberry Pie is a credit-card sized computer. It can be plugged into your TV and a keyboard, and can be used for many of the things that your average desktop does -spreadsheets, word-processing, games and it also plays high-definition video an open-source prototyping platform in electronics based on easy-to-use hardware and software flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Linux.
The session started with keynote description on Raspberry Pie board and then Application of Raspberry pie by Mrs. Rojal Rodrigues, (M.E, EXTC). The session was conducted for two hours. It provided the insights of how students use Raspberry Pie board to build low cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics principles, or to get started with programming and robotics.
The goal behind seminar was to create awareness of low cost device that would improve programming skills and hardware understanding for students. Participants were indeed curious to provide various solutions.